Becoming a Leader – Skill #1 Creating a Vision
In becoming a leader, it is not just knowing what it means or being clear how personality relates to it, but also about what does a leader do; what are the skills needed to be successful. I can’t say that I have always felt like a leader, but others have definitely seen the leader in me. I have seen myself as not fitting into a group or team and not having the skills to lead one even if I did fit in. Let’s explore these six skills one at a time and how they fit into the Toastmasters world.
Whether you are a leader in your work life, family life or your Toastmasters life, you as a leader must first create a vision of what success looks like for you and your followers. So what is a vision? defines vision as: “a vivid, imaginative conception or anticipation.” Doesn’t this sound a bit like defining a dream? It does to me. Usually these visions are more long-term than short. If you think of this in terms of a road trip, then you are setting out where you are going.
A visionary is just someone who combines intelligence with imagination to paint a picture of the future in vivid emotion. You don’t need to be a Steve Jobs to do this. You need to have passion about what you are doing and who you are leading. What is your vision of the future? Bring your club, area, division or district together to create this vision for the year. Make sure you put yourself and your team members in it, describe it using all of your senses, record it, develop a vision board around it, have it displayed at every meeting, and make it come alive
What does the rich tapestry of your vision look, feel, sound, smell, and taste like? Record your vision in all of its sensor description. Then listen to that, move with it, and make it yours.
Whether you are new to Toastmasters or a Seasoned Toastmaster, you are always welcome as our guest at Heart2Heart Toastmasters Meetings. Our club meetings are the third Thursday of every month on Zoom from 6-7 pm PT and the first Saturday of the month is our Hybrid Meeting on Zoom and in person at Elegance at 2100 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, California from 3:30 PM to 6 PM PT.
Register here for the Thursday meeting:
Register here for the Saturday meeting
You are always welcome as our guest! We hope to see you soon!
Linda Patten, a Leadership Trainer and Mentor, has extensive experience in both the corporate world and the private sector joined Toastmasters in December of 2019. Since then, she has skyrocketed into speaking and leadership. After a year with 8 roles in District57, she decided on only one role for 2023-2024 and was elected Club Growth Director for District 57. With a view of not only adding new clubs but also revitalizing the existing clubs, she is definitely up for the challenge.
Since December 2019, Linda Patten, current D57 Club Growth Director, has been recognized with four Triple Crowns, four OATMs (Outstanding Achievement Toastmaster) and was awarded her DTM in July 2021 and a second in January 2024. At the District level, she has been District Finance Manager and Administrative Manager, 4 times Area (Distinguished in G31 and Select Distinguished in D30) and 1 time Division Director positions as well as being awarded the Toastmaster of the Year in 2021. At the club level, she has been Secretary, Treasurer and President.
She just completed her highly respected SUE Talk for Connected Women of Influence. She lives in in Columbus, Ohio with her husband.